Optimum plant development
AQUITA promotes optimum root system development, as due to increased water and nutrient absorption, the root cells are less prone to desiccation. This strengthens plants and makes them more resistant.  

What benefits does the use of AQUITA provide ...

… for plants?

  • Improved plant development and quality
    creates the ideal conditions for plant growth, making the plants considerably larger, stronger and more resistant.
  • Promotion of root growth
    Water and nutrient absorption is raised due to the rapid increase in root mass. This fact has been confirmed by leading European research institutes, which assist AQUITA in a scientific capacity and complete ongoing testing.
  • Increased resistance against disease and a reduction in replanting shock
    These are achieved through less root cell desiccation.
  • Enhanced survival capacity
    Plants are far better able to survive periods of drought. AQUITA furnishes the roots with long-term nutrition by means of doses of water and fertilizer. Plants remain protected against irreversible drought damage for an extended period.