Intelligent nutrient management
AQUITA provides a constantly available store of fertilizer and water in the root area, which is precisely where plants need them most.  

What is AQUITA?

AQUITA is a remarkable water and fertilizer store with micronutrients for all types of plants.


To be more precise, AQUITA is a granulate or powder, which has the ability to absorb and store up to 150 times its own weight in water and then pass this on to plants as required.


Once in contact with water, the granulate swells up to form a gel, in order to absorb and store water, which would normally be lost in the soil through evaporation or leaching.


AQUITA gel is enriched with valuable plant fertilizers, which makes it nutritious and allows the continuous supply of the plant roots with both water and fertilizer.


Once the water reserve has been gradually consumed, AQUITA reassumes its solid form and the process can start again from the beginning. Moreover, it can be repeated over several years.