Cost-benefit maximisation through efficient water use
1 kg of AQUITA can store up to 150 l of distilled water and it is a fact that using AQUITA, water consumption in the areas of horticulture, agriculture, sports facilities and forestry can be greatly reduced.  

What makes AQUITA unique?

  • Its twin function
    - As a high-capacity water store
    - As a source of nutrients
  • Its storage capacity
    1 kg of AQUITA can store up to 150 l of distilled water
  • Its simple application
    AQUITA can be added to the soil or sand
  • Its effective life
    Depending on the application, AQUITA can absorb and store water and then supply to plants over several years
  • Its exceptional levels of micronutrient enrichment
    As a result, AQUITA can be employed in pure form (without soil) in order to supply root balls with water and nutrients on a longer-term basis. AQUITA provides a new quality with regard to the storage and transport of plants.
  • Its prolongation of the fertilizing effect
    The use of AQUITA can prolong the period of effectiveness of additional fertilizers.