Simple utilisation
In order that Aquita can attain its full effectiveness, it is important that it is applied to plant roots. Aquita is mixed with the excavated earth or the root balls are submerged in Aquita gel.

New trees and shrubs

Dosage: approximately 1.2-1.5 kg of Aquita for every cu m of excavated soil.


Simple utilisation
1. Dig out a hole that is twice the size of the tree roots. Form two piles of excavated soil, one large, one small.
2. Blend the larger volume of soil with Aquita to form a homogenous mixture. Cover the bottom of the hole with some of the Aquita-soil mixture.
3. Place the tree or shrub in the hole and add the remainder of the Aquita-soil mixture.
4. Use the pile of soil put aside at the beginning to cover the Aquita-soil mixture. Create a small edge in order to ensure improved water collection.
5. watering must be used after planting.

Transport of (young) trees and shrubs

Take 250 g of Aquita powder and mix it with 10 l of water to form a gel. Subsequently, submerge the root balls in the gel.